Salem Township est. 1871

Sedgwick County, Kansas

Reporting - Employee

Utilize this form to report any feedback with a Township employee on contractor. This form can be used for praise or comlaints.

Please report an issue only once.
It is not neccessary to have friends and neighbors report the issue in addition to your report, which will result in a delay in response.
Only one report per issue is needed.
Issues are prioritized by need, not by number of reports received.
Reports with inacurate or missing information will be dismissed.

Your full name:
Your email:
Your phone:
(10 digits, no punctuation)

Your street address:
Your City:
, KS

Time of incident:
Name or description of employee:


What happened, what did you observe? Provide as much detail as possible.

316-522-5028 Explore Salem Township's official website in Sedgwick County, Kansas. Discover local government services, community news, and more. - , Salem Township, Sedgwick County, Kansas, KS, official website, Haysville, Derby, Wichita, 71st St, local government, community services, news updates,, salemtownship